Bandai - 1992 - Sailor Moon & Luna Price Figure

One of my most wanted items.

Bandai - Sailor Moon - Finger Puppet - Marionnettes à doigts
Serenity, Endimyon & Naru

Igel - Cute German Figures - Figurines allemandes (6/6)

Irwin - Wind Up Figures - Figurines Automates

Giochi Preziosi - Mini Figures - Box Set - 2011

Giochi Preziosi - Mini Figures - Packet Version - 2011 (12/12)

Sailor Mercury Sailor Mars Sailor Jupiter Sailor Venus Sailor Moon

Usagi, Sailor Moon 1 & Sailor Moon 2

Queen Beryl, Princess Serenity & Tuxedo Kamen

Luna & Artemis

Giochi Preziosi - 2011 - 3D Figures with Mini Books - 6/6

Sailor Mars Sailor Mercury Tuxedo Kamen Sailor Moon Sailor Jupiter Sailor Venus

Quick - Sailor Moon Figures (6/6)

Sailor Moon (1) Sailor Mercury (2) Sailor Jupiter (4) Sailor Venus (5) Usagi (6) Usagi (3)
Figurines provenant des restaurants Quick (1996) - Figures's gift from Quick restaurant (1996)

Sonokong - 1999 - Sailor Moon Excellent Figure - About 35 cm

Sailor Moon Feves / Charms (5/5)

Sailor Jupiter Sailor Mercury Sailor Moon Sailor Mars Sailor Venus

GE Animation - 2013 - Sailor Moon Figure

Zag Toys - Sailor Moon Domez Figures (6/9)

1 Yasmine On 28/11/2011
I love your "excellent figure"!
You have a really nice collection! If you want to have a look at mine, please visit my homepage^^ Even if my collection is still very small compared to yours^^
2 Sailorjupiter01 On 25/01/2012
Je prends enfin le temps de visiter ton site, et sérieusement cette fois.
Les puppets sont choux. L'Excellent Moon est impressionnante. Les italiens ont fait de belles figurines.
Et les sujets de gâteaux des rois, j'aurais pas cru qu'ils osent lol, et ils se défendent pas mal, c'est tout petit et pas évident à faire ^^
3 Mélin On 22/09/2012
4 neee On 30/09/2012
5 Leonardo Souza On 02/10/2012
Do you know where can I find Princess Serenity & Tuxedo Kamen to buy online? I'd like to buy Princess Serenity and Tuxedo Mask for my wedding, my fiancee is huge fan.. Thank you so much!
6 neee On 14/10/2012
7 sailorayearth On 30/12/2013
I just want to ask how tall this figure was?
GE Animation - 2013 - Sailor Moon Figure.
Is it as tall as the Sailor Moon World Figures?
I just want to know about it thank you... ^_^
8 Joyce On 01/10/2020
I would like to ask where did u get the quick restaurant sailor moon figures?
9 Bunnylove On 13/12/2020